1. I would like to make sure I understand Dr. Riba's question to me from an earlier post. She asked me if I knew why the posterior deltoid would compensate more-so when teres minor and infraspinatus were involved. I believe it's because, those two muscles have some control over assisting the client when reaching behind them and if they are compromised then the posterior delt would take over, but I'm not confident in that reasoning.
2. I would like to be able to feel the "hook" in the hamate.
3. I would like to feel comfortable with my vertebral levels- we had to palpate these on the first assignment to feel where the upper middle and lower traps were, and I have just never felt confident that I'm actually on the vertebrae I think I am on. I'd like someone who knows to be standing next to me while I'm naming them out and saying, "Yes" or "No."
I'm seeing a trend...I guess my overall goal would be to get some self confidence...
I think the confidence will be key!