Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 4 Marker Chart


  1. Great job Jennifer!

    Your detail and explanation of structures in the video was so helpful! I learned alot! My favorite was your use of supination to find the distal biceps tendon. The only suggestion I have would be to make some of the letter labels a bit larger. Overall, your attention to detail in this video rocked!

  2. Jennifer good job! I agree with Lauren your video was very descriptive and you actually taught me a few things,

  3. Great Job, I agree with Lauren as well. Great explanations!!! I am already impressed by the altitude training video so you keep up the great work. :)

  4. Hey Jennifer,

    Great work illustrating all of the structures this week. I like how you took your time with each structure and explained what it was. I agree with Lauren that larger labels would be helpful in identifying the structures. Other than that looks good.

  5. Jen you did a great job. Very descriptive and informative. Some of the labels were hard to see but everyone has already told you that :) Awesome video.

  6. Jennifer, Nice job on the video and good narration throughout. You took advantage of making the video as if you were teaching someone how to do it, which ultimately will help you learn better. You got the location of the Ulnar nerve correct, a little more proximal to where you labeled it though is where it runs through the ulnar notch, just posterior to the Med epicondyle. Good work.
